Friday, June 8, 2012

bolonka :(

and then when i lay
in bolonka's plush carpet
not woven by bolonka
but by attendants to bolonka
and felt my girth enveloped
by the fur it was supposed to
saddle, suddenly, there, bolonka
with lucid eyes approached me
through cast-off follicles, pawed
at my scapula, drew me from
my breath, and departing my
terminal body i gasped to see
my cells dancing, flax and cilia
waxing and woven


Noble bolonka,
Fit for the poor court of
Homely malaise,
Earned longeur worn long-eared, droopily, her silks 
Anointed with sprays 
Of onion in corn oil, eyes
Kohled in brown tears,
Pout bearded brown on white, her own ermine
Heroine on the crest,
She, the shield against
Cracked linoleum (stained with her Highness's self-same excreta) erected, a
Panting monument--
Blameless of shame :(

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