Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Underwater, all pants are sea pants, tight swaths of seaweed stretched over all legs. Underwater, all creatures wear pants and most fish either have legs or are legs, even the Hand Fish.

Pants can get shorter and shorter, and then they are shorts. Shortier, shortier, you're on another shore: underpants. Underpants aren't pants, just like a hole in the ground isn't a pepper. While a hat does not a head make (unlike a wig or a scarf/unless it's a helmet) underpants are a genital. In general, pants are legs.

Sea legs come from a little bone in your ear that is too used to the sea. They are really ear bone legs.

Air legs lag after jets, drawing coral.

When we land, legs grow hands and fish around for their keys. Here we are in the Keys. Underwater here, our legs can spawn leggings.