Monday, March 25, 2013

last night when i thought i was gonna die haha





rifling under the sink in the bags
or bragging of its stealth-annulled motion sensors
to the dark that harbors
the unmoored murderer.

I mourn
for the morning,
the mouse
censored, too, rues
(and the killer as well
must regret)
rousing me:

all fell still
clipped in the safety
of the wind-barrel (insensate steel)

                     ...although Matt
                           saw a bottle.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day of Long Sighing

a day of long sighing
three sties in my eye
no pie on my plate
the day of long knives

long widows who are the ghosts of the wives
pulling out of the slats, taut as cats
on the wires, alive but retired
toothless hair

garbage and fried
cat mummy pyres
spitfires put out with spit
shitty fires